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Statutory Financial Information 2024_25
Statutory/Financial Information 2023_24
Statutory/Financial Information 2022_23
Statutory/Financial Information 2021_2022
Statutory/Financial Information 2020_2021
Statutory/Financial Information 2019_2020
Statutory/Financial Information 2018_2019
Statutory and Financial information
The Parish Council receives financial reports at its regular monthly meetings, which includes information on receipts and payments that have taken place in the most recent period. In addition, the Parish Council undergoes an audit every year, starting shortly after March 31st, the financial year-end. All relevant papers are sent to an Auditor, who performs random checks and verifies the published financial position.
A report is then sent back by the Auditor to the Parish Council for consideration and approval, and all this information provides the basis for the Annual Return that every council, small or large, has to complete. Once the process is complete a Notice of Audit Completion is published on the website.