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Tattingstone Parish Councillor List
Russel Abbott
David Clarke
Denise Hawes
Gemma Mark
Andrea Mendel (Chair)
Simon Page (Vice Chair)
Brandon Plumbly
Brian Stennett
All Councillors have registered their pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests with Mid Suffolk District Council and these are published on Babergh District Council's website. To view a copy of the Councillors' Register of Interests please use the link below to be redirected to the relevant pages.
Parish Clerk:
Email: clerk@tattingstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk
District Councillor Orwell Ward
Daniel Potter
County Councillor
Simon Harley
Email: simon.harley@suffolk.gov.uk
Babergh District Council – 0300 1234000
MP South Suffolk
James Cartilidge - james.cartlidge.mp@parliament.uk