- Screen Colours:
- Normal
- Black & Yellow
Pen Pix Cinema
We can enjoy a night out at the Cinema without having to travel into town! Volunteers run “Peninsular Pix” at Tattingstone Village Hall on the first Thursday of every month.
Tickets are £5.50 on the door, or £5.00 in advance from the Wheatsheaf, White Horse, Case Is Altered, Stutton Community Shop, Bentley Community Shop or Marilyn (328876)
Or just text your name and number of tickets required to 07732 709656
Free drinks are served at the interval and choc-ices are available to purchase! Details for the next screening can be found on the PenPix website.
Peninsular Pix is a non-profit making organisation run by a group of volunteers, and a member of the Suffolk Digital Cinema Network. It has been supported by a grant from the Lottery Awards. Films have been shown every month since November 2005.
Visit the Pen Pix website to see what is showing.